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5 Tips for Preventing Shin Splints

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  • Written By: Fox Valley Orthopedics
5 Tips for Preventing Shin Splints

5 Ways to Prevent Shin Splints During Your Workout

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS), more commonly known as shin splints, refers to the pain one may experience along the inside of the shinbone. This is caused by the inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and bone tissues that surround your tibia. Typically, this discomfort happens after a sudden change in your activity and can even occur if you have abnormalities in the arches in your feet. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can prevent this unsettling sensation.

1. Change Out Your Footwear

Runners are some of the most common sufferers of shin splints; this is because there is a considerable amount of impact and force being placed on your lower extremities during this activity. Studies Have shown that there is a link between over-pronation to this uncomfortable condition. With that being said, when you run for long distances, it is essential that your shoes provide you with proper support. While that may mean throwing out your favorite pair of running shoes, your shins will thank you.

This is especially important if you have flat feet. In this case, you may benefit from using orthotics for additional support. Shoe inserts can help to keep your foot and ankle in proper alignment while you run, reducing strain on the lower half of your leg and minimizing your chances for experiencing shin splints.

2. Run On Softer Surfaces

While many runners and athletes like to change their workout locations to avoid repetitive surroundings, running on hard surfaces like sidewalks and streets can be harsh on your legs. The added impact can cause overuse injuries. Try running on softer surfaces that reduce that shock to your lower extremities like a track, on grass, or even in the sand.

3. Warm-Up Before Your workout

When your muscles aren’t warmed up properly before exercise, you leave your body more prone to experiencing injuries. Try adding some of these following exercises and stretches to your routine before delving straight into your more intense workout:

  • Jumping jacks
  • High knees
  • Lunges
  • Side shuffles
  • Backpedaling
  • Squats
  • Leg swings
  • Karaoke
  • Calf stretching

4. Take it Slow

One of the most common causes of shin splints is suddenly changing your activity level or increasing your workout intensity. When you’re just starting your workout routine, it is essential to slowly adjust your activity level over time to prevent shin splint and other injuries.

5. Improve Your Form

While exercise is typically good for your physical health, incorrect form and technique can be detrimental, causing shin splints and other injuries. If you are continuing to experience shin pains while following the previous tips, it may be worth having your form looked at by a sports medicine doctor or a physical therapist so they can help you to correct these issues.

Orthopedic Care in Fox Valley

At Fox Valley Orthopedics, we can help you get back to a pain-free, comfortable life. If you have been dealing with aches and pains that have lasted for more than a week, don’t put off getting help another day. Call (630) 584-1400 today to schedule your appointment.